
About Us

Our Mission

We are committed to the social, economical, and environmental betterment of our global community through the creation of new virtual frontiers.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where any human can visit virtual frontiers to educate, inspire, and take action towards the well-being of our global community.


We are a visionary tech company creating virtual replicas of volatile environments in the world impacted by global climate change. We create virtual realities for visitors of all ages and all donation proceeds go toward leading organizations involved in climate change research, policymaking, and education.

The first virtual environment we have modeled is the M.S. DOS island in the Pacific. You may ask, why this island specifically?

Well, based on our team research, there are hundreds of published studies emphasizing the statistics of rising water levels. Islands are some of the most vulnerable land masses to be impacted. Did you know that the rising sea levels, increases in temperature, and submerging of land will destroy natural habitats for current island civilizations, endangered species, and bleach coral past the point of no return?

We hope that our virtual island can allow people a calming and therapeutic environment to become educated on important issues such as these. Though it is our first venture, we would hope to use this island as a metaphor for global climate change by the virtual connections we foster. As a corporation, we dream of creating more replicas modeled around other environments in the world being hit the hardest by the climate crisis. Not only would this experience be highlighted by a safe, peaceful, and educational space, but it would serve as a greater emotional tool to unconventionally reach others. Our goal is not to make a profit, and we are most certainly not so over our heads in thinking we can save the world through our games, but we would hope you join us in raising awareness and donating to organizations who are the real heroes trying to save our planet.

The climate crisis is one of the most imminent worries of our future and we want to help.

Sign up to visit our virtual environments where you can interact with animals, tour around the habitat, and even take a swim with the fish in the coral reef waters.


With just a digital device and a keen interest to explore and make a change, the gaming community as well as anyone open to new immersive and interactive experiences can now instantly teleport themselves to a unique island ecosystem. We see our target users between the ages of 15-30 on average, consisting of children and young adults using the platform for entertainment and educational purposes, and generally falling into the middle class or above categories with access to internet connection and a digital device. With proper integration into school programs, demographics with less access to computers and internet may be reached as well.





PR Strategy
Public Relations Strategy
Written by Viktoriya

Target Demographic Discovery

Our team believes the general public should become educated on global climate issues through the immersive environments we create. We know that creating virtual realities would encompass a smaller chunk of the global demographic we would hope to cater to, but in tackling one piece of the pie, we can tackle the other pieces as we grow. Currently, we hope to market to the younger generations of digital natives. These generations would have less of a learning curve when playing immersively and are more receptive to change. Ultimately, our dream is to be able to cater to much broader demographics on a global scale but we know there are technological, educational, and political barriers that restrict us.

Who: Young digital natives between ages 15 - 30.
Since our demographic has a large range, we split it up into 2 groups.
1st group - Ages 15 - 18
2nd group - Ages 19 - 30

We decided to focus on the 2nd group as our core target demographic because our first priority is creating an experience that is catered to a variety of users. We have plans on expanding the experience to become more child/teen friendly in the later phases of the project timeline, however, we felt that the most comprehensive opportunity is with group 2.

What do we know about our demographic?

Our target audience will be split between cities, gender, income level, interests, and other data we will collect from data analysts researching the locations we want to promote to. The media team works together on this research to leverage our public announcements, marketing collateral, and press release pitches to create a cohesive plan.

Media Team’s Past Initiatives:

Digital Marketing Campaigns - Paid social media ads targeted towards our core demographic groups. Different channels include Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, and more.

Reaching out to Influencers - We have recruited well-known gamers in the industry to demo how different versions of the game can be played and to encourage others to become more aware of global climate issues.

Posters and Billboards - We plastered tangible designs across populated cities where large crowds can see the advertising and be nudged to check-out the game later.

Student Scholarship Challenges - We have created sustainability competitions for students to propose creative and unique solutions for future virtual ventures. We give back to the students who have interest in green technology and global sustainability.

The Media Team is compromised of marketing, public relations, digital designers, and more. We use a mixture of digital and physical strategies when building up our presence, but as the head of public relations, my team and I mainly focus on maintaining those efforts. We have been fortunate enough to not experience any media crisis, however, we have a list of working steps in case we do.

Crisis Control Strategy

The Media Team understands that crisis control management is a case by case basis. There is no one-fit-all strategy that will solve all of the issues that arise with a scandal, however there are a few actionable steps we can take to give us more time to re-evaluate and how to move forward.

Pause on all marketing initiatives.
We do not want to come off as tone-deaf with any campaigns in case there is a pop culture moment that becomes viral overnight, a stakeholder scandal, or social movements that require sensitivity.

Reevaluate all future launching campaigns.
Do we have to modify the content depending on current or future events? If so, we need to work with the designers and marketers to ensure the content of all our campaigns make sense in moving forward.

Create a public release statement.
This is case by case, however a well-crafted statement about the current events will go a long way whether it is a formal and genuine apology, a letter from the executives, future outlined steps, or a social movement statement.

Highlight charitable good.
Our company is focused on giving back to organizations that are working towards creating a better planet for humanity, however, we can outline more transparent steps on how this change occurs. We can always bring light to the public about the way we give back and increase our transparency.

Smart Objectives

When our team first started to investigate the M.S. Dos Island, we were actually moved by the neighboring island civilizations. In researching the different ways current island civilizations exist, we realized we had to find ways to preserve what was on the island already and to help other global communities struggling to face global climate change. We gathered a group of experts and creatives who aided us in developing virtual immersive environments.

Early on in our development, we were convinced to try to solve a small chunk of a larger pie when it came to the global crisis. As a small team working with a technology corporation, we wanted to utilize tools of the future that would act as emotional gateways to unconventionally reach our audience.


Public relations and the marketing team will work closely together in sharpening our media presence. The marketing team focuses on promoting our virtual reality games, including market research and advertising. While the public relations team focuses on maintaining a favorable public image for the organization. Since the media team is interconnected and dependent on the timeline of a product launch, we work together to build the necessary buzz prior to the introduction of a product in the market. As the head of the PR team, some of the ways my coworkers and I have built up the company’s public presence is by:

Writing press releases about upcoming product launches or new company initiatives

Creating stories and positive pitches to the media about upcoming company announcements

Securing speaking opportunities for stakeholders and executives at industry gaming events/conventions

Building relationships with the media and gaming influencers in the industry

Managing and updating company messaging

Creating talking points and speaking to the press about a company crisis

The media team is the backbone of any corporation. It is the largest influence on how users will see the mission of the company and how strong the customer relationship will be. Even for corporations that are non-profit, it is important to establish very early on how the company wishes to be perceived by the public and to micro-manage everything that is published and popularized with media. Part of my team’s efforts is to make sure we finely comb the cultural nuances behind our marketing collateral to make sure we do not create backlash controversy. We try to brainstorm creative ways in which we can catch people’s eyes but once we have their attention, we want to make sure we retain it and build upon it. PR can take years to build amongst a strong, loyal customer base, and seconds to lose in a scandal. We like to think of our team as the mascots of the organization; we focus on positive public image, and we uplift all of the hard work that goes into our organization’s virtual realities.

Caption: We were very proud to celebrate having our first big press release with The New Yorker when we officially launched our virtual-reality game into the public. This introduction helped catalyze our successful entry into the gaming industry, and since then, we’ve grown our audiences to recruit more researchers, game developers, designers, and digital analysts to make more immersive virtual realities tackling global climate change.


The media team will run in 4 phases each year. During each phase will be design and marketing sprints built prior to the launch of a product in the next phase. Within each phase, we hope to have several campaigns running and developing.

Metrics of Success

Public relations and marketing metrics of success overlap because we work together on campaigns. To understand our impact, we measure success through analyzing questions such as:

Did the product being marketed meet or exceed the sales goals?
Comparing how much was spent on the marketing campaign to the profit made from sales of the product, was the return on investment (ROI) of the campaign high?
Did we generate buzz from customers, social media followers, industry gaming influencers, and the general public around the product?
Were there lots of positive press in relevant top-tier trade publications and broadcast outlets about our product or company as a whole?
Were we nominated to win awards or recognition at high-profile industry events?
Did we raise a sizable amount of money for sustainability-focused organizations looking to create global climate change?


To be able to run several campaigns a year during each phase of our product development and launch, we have created a team with some of the following roles.

Digital Analyst
Designers - Illustrators, motion graphics, graphic design, etc.
Game developers
Project managers
Product managers for public relations

We also have a budget for each campaign that the project manager determines prior to the initial meeting between the team. We have found the reports from our team’s digital analysts help us to target our campaigns to our core demographics.

When it comes to advertising, our budget is dependent on the organization’s finances. If we have a lower budget for a campaign then it will impact our success metrics. A higher budget usually reaches higher engagement, but our team can utilize unconventional strategies to create a buzz. As the head of PR, I will usually reach out to broadcasting and news platforms to try to create genuine brand collaborations. Although there is no budget necessary for the collaboration, the budget may have to pay for a public speaking or gaming event where the brand will be recorded.

A campaign budget can run anywhere between $10,000 - $40,000 depending on the deliverables, timeline, and how many platforms will be utilized.


As a whole, this project is very relevant and worthwhile to the current socio-economic environment. Global climate change impacts humanity as a whole, and looking for ways to solve the emotional issue of making people care about it can bridge gaps in the future by ensuring equitable change. Our virtual games are rooted in the possibility of change. As our audience grows more aware of green social impact, we can help empower direct climate change action.


Our project timeframe spanned ten years from 2021 to 2031.

Between the marketing and pr efforts, we broke down each year into 4 phases. Throughout the entirety of the project, we initially focused on building brand recognition and awareness around our initiative. Afterward, we launched several marketing campaigns meant to build engagement and reach. After the initial industry introduction with our first game developed, we continued the same timeline efforts of launching new campaigns, tracking success metrics, and developing further based on iterations. Marketing’s main goal for the first year is to develop and grow brand awareness. Once initial awareness is established, the public image of the brand will grow. While marketing is focused on the visual aspect of the brand, the pr team will research outlets to collaborate with, reach out to top-ranked influencers, and start writing press releases. Even though the brand has to build up recognition, the pr team can focus on establishing relationships behind the scenes.

BOard Members


Kendra uses data, game design, and behavior change to make environmental change happen. She is an environmental engineer with 20 years of experience in environmental change: working as a green building engineer, immersive game designer, and founding a multi-million dollar environmental media company.

Amanda Magalski

Amanda is a high-energy, proactive public relations professional with experience in brand development, media relations and social media strategies for clients across consumer, entertainment and non-profit sectors. With an acute sense of grammar and style in her writing, Amanda believes that an innovative blend of AP style and digital style is what sets any PR professional apart.


E-learning VR Gamification Architect:
I was inspired by Motivational speakers during my college days and intended to become one (but never became one). Fast-forward a few years later, I was signing autographs for students who get lined up after my sessions as a career development Trainer.

Akanat Hos

Spatial Designer & Design Strategist

Debra J. Munson

Director of West Coast Operations, Formerly, Director of Marketing at Information Systems Group



Techie Takahe Inc
We become official!

Research on how to map the island without disturbing the eco system

UN approval to map island


Attend UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit Partner with UNEP and GRID-Arendal to achieve environmental standards Island Mapping


In game environment designed

Behavioral design methods incorporated into gameplay

3rd quarter: Alpha launch (in-house user testing & research)


1st quarter: beta launch

Launched in the  countries we identified as doing the most to protect the environment

Denmark, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, United States, Bulgaria


Iteration and refining game based on beta testing

Scaling game for public release


Game Launch

Official launch of game (Gold Master) based on the Attention Restoration Theory (ART)

4th quarter 2.0: Problem Solving

An update to our game brought in the aspect of connecting players in order to solve the most pressing environmental problems.


Research and design of pioneering technology: Experience Intelligence (XI)

3rd quarter: version 3.0  Nudge Theory environmental nudges to initiate behavior change

4th quarter: XI program copyright & trademark


Launch of XI Behavioral Design AI program

Experience Intelligence (XI)

4th quarter: scale XI technology


First Annual Techie Takahé Game Summit

We are here

CONtingency Plan





Tropical weather (i.e. storms) prevent island expedition & interrupt 360-cameras or other equipment.


Loss of data, deadlines pushed,


Backup data through cloud and external hardrives

Crisis Control


Inevitable public relations crisis - data breach, executive scandal, negative review, failed event, badly planned marketing campaign.


Negative publicity resulting in damaged reputation, loss of sales, and unfavorable public image


PLAN B: Crisis management begins with pausing current/future campaigns, reevaluating content, releasing public statement, and increase in charitable actions

QA Testing / User Research (Meeting User Needs)


"Abnormal amount of bugs foundMissing the mark with audience//game isn't popular"


Backtracking - more time needed to address bug backlog. Ineffective marketing strategy


Extra research phases & AGILE development approach - iterative


New regulations


New constraints


Limited features and scope


Establish legal team and stay on top of current issues


Brand Awareness


Game/organization isn't growing in audience recognition throughout the years.


If our target demographic isn't growing in product usage, our success decreases.


Continuous market and audience research.



Over Budget


Financial instability: increased costs in the form of employee overtime and project delays.


Ultimately lower business credibility and reputation, profits, and productivity.


Plan B: a) Reassign resources to a lower cost resource. b) Reduce the project scope c) seek more funding. Generally, bid high during project estimate phase; allow a 10% contingency. Track budget at monthly level.




Insufficient amount of designers, developers, or artists, etc.


Delayed progress and missed deadlines


Hire project manager(s) to track workload, progress, and manage scope.

Psychological problems


Inducing stress and anxiety


Bad reviews, decreased playerbase

Research Data Fraud


Corruption, biased research methods


Lawsuits, loss of trust from public & players


Research scientific studies should be published and reviewed by non-biased experts within the field.



Emotional / Physical issues


Game mechanic issues or faulty VR sensors, inducing stress & anxiety, game addiction, disorientation


Loss in game reputation & potential medical bill & rehabilitation costs


Strenuous testing, user agreements, and safety instructions, disclaimers