BOard Members
Kendra uses data, game design, and behavior change to make environmental change happen. She is an environmental engineer with 20 years of experience in environmental change: working as a green building engineer, immersive game designer, and founding a multi-million dollar environmental media company.
Amanda Magalski
Amanda is a high-energy, proactive public relations professional with experience in brand development, media relations and social media strategies for clients across consumer, entertainment and non-profit sectors. With an acute sense of grammar and style in her writing, Amanda believes that an innovative blend of AP style and digital style is what sets any PR professional apart.
E-learning VR Gamification Architect:
I was inspired by Motivational speakers during my college days and intended to become one (but never became one). Fast-forward a few years later, I was signing autographs for students who get lined up after my sessions as a career development Trainer.
Akanat Hos
Spatial Designer & Design Strategist
Debra J. Munson
Director of West Coast Operations, Formerly, Director of Marketing at Information Systems Group